It's a retreat, dedicated to peace and art, created by a man named Frederick Franck. The name of this beautiful place is Pacem in Terris, which is Latin for Peace On Earth.
Franck was a sculpturer, author and painter. After he passed away in 2006, his family opened up his property as an art exhibit.
On 6 acres, tucked in the little back hills of Warwick, and running along side the Wawayanda River, is this special place that just truly amazed me.
You'd have to visit it to really get the sense of peacefulness in which Franck had created from his vision. Trails wind in and out of this property, and along the way is just some really fascinating steel sculptors and shrines he's put together over the years. There's also a few smaller rustic sheds on the property that have some of his original paintings and stained glass art work in, open for anyone to walk in and view.
I got to the place just as they were opening and introduced myself to the elder man who takes care of the property. I asked him if there was anything I needed to know before I began my walk through. All he told me is that I might want to leave my camera in the car the first time, that way I can really get a sense on what it is I'm looking at, instead of being busy taking pictures.
Of course I did not follow his advice, though I did refrain from pulling my camera out too much.
There is nothing more that I love, than nature and art mixed together. I adore being outside, and I am very fond of any type of artistic expression. To top it off, it rained! That's what made my day even better, was the heavy overcast and few scattered raindrops hitting my skin throughout my hour and a half visit. Listening to the river rushing along side my journey down these little twisty-turny foot beaten paths- the pleasing melody of the singing birds in the trees and little ground creatures rustling around.
I was in heaven!
I snapped a few pictures, one of which I am convinced is Frederick Franck himself- a little white caterpillar (I believe it's a Hickory Tussock Moth), that just hung out on one of the erected steel sculptors. Ironically, the sculptor was right near where Franck is buried! Yes, they buried him on his own property!

So, that was my peace of mind yesterday. Definitely something I needed to start this week out with. I can't wait to go back and visit again, though I have a lot of time strain so I'm not sure when that will even be.
To anyone local- A Must See!!!