Not every image is worthy of the world to see.
There's a difference between slopping something together, and putting passion behind what you do. Color palettes and interesting subjects (or making a subject interesting) are two most very important factors in creating an image or shooting an image.
When people hear your name, you want them to think of your amazingly creative work that you put out there that has meaning behind it.
Not some pointless crap pile with unfocused subjects, and clashing color schemes.
To each their own, and I normally would never criticize someone else's work. But some of this stuff is not artistic in any fashion. Sure, you want to have your own signature, but if your signature is going to consist of half-assed slop, then save your self image and don't publish it.
And what makes it worse is that some of these people go around bashing other people's work when they really have no room to talk.