Tuesday, July 3, 2012

*Gasp* An Update!

I guess I owe an explanation for why this blog has been neglected lately.

Before we went away to Bermuda in April, I found out I was pregnant again. After we returned from our trip, I was so busy getting back into the grind when the morning sickness had begun to invade my life. Except it wasn't just morning. It was all day, every day.
For the last 2 + months, I've been struggling with the first trimester in pregnancy. And of course what Valenta pregnancy would there be without any issues? We did, indeed, have quite a scare there for awhile with a ruthless blood clot that was jeopardizing the pregnancy. The clot (or Subchorionic hematoma as they are medically called) decided to bleed out one night after I was put on a week of bed rest from my doctor. I was given a 50/50 chance in being able to carry out the pregnancy at that point. I was around 8 weeks along. Additionally, my doctor decided to put me on another 2 weeks of bed rest to help get me past my first trimester.

Today I am 14 weeks, and back to work and normal activities. Well, semi normal. I still can't exercise as much as I would like, but I'm up and about getting what I can. The issues have diminished for the most part and I appear to be carrying a healthy baby. In a little over 4 weeks we will find out the gender.

They say your energy level comes up in the second trimester. Well, mine has taken a tumble down a very long, steep mountain. I have no energy. In fact, 7pm is my new bed time. The nausea and vomiting has let up a lot, thankfully. But I still have some nights where I'm tossing and turning due to indigestion and sleeplessness. Thankfully the little peanut let me sleep for 12 hours last night with no interruptions.

I haven't been out much with my camera. Just the other week before I was to return to work, my loving husband decided to take us down to south Jersey for an over night stay with my sister and mother in law. We visited the beach and actually had a really good couple of relaxing days. It was nice to be able to get out of the house and stretch my legs.
I think it's going to be a while still before I'm ready to get out with my camera. The weather has gotten really hot the past week or so, and that just drains me even quicker.

So, that's my news