Saturday, September 11, 2010


So we had an awesome opportunity to go to Rome next week, tickets and room paid for. Would have been gone for about 6 days total, taking the train from Venice to Rome to see all the beautiful landscaping... working the Misfits shows...
But... other things came up and we decided now isn't the time.

Steve was FINALLY called for the job, he starts in less than two weeks and needs lots of time to prepare for that. He will be gone for 2 months, only being home on the weekends. After that, he can put in a transfer request to the Correction Facility down in Warwick.
My overnighted passport would have cost 500 bucks, which really wasn't too big of a deal since we weren't paying for much to begin with. But it was more hassle with the time strain. I wouldn't have been able to get to the city until yesterday (Friday, my day off), and then needing to make sure the passport could be delivered by Monday was too much of a pinch since we were leaving Tuesday.
Thirdly, we found out we're pregnant a few weeks back. !! And unfortunately morning/noon/night sickness and exhaustion had struck me since last weekend. So I wasn't too sure on how I would hold up dealing with the flights and jet lag.

Rome is on our list though. Now that I've gotten myself all excited and googled everything I possibly could.

So that's an update.

And if you can make it all out...

Here's the pic of the lil nugget!
Yea, I'm not sure what I'm looking at either.