Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Tomorrow, my first day off in 8 days, and I have so much I need to get done to prepare for Steve coming home this weekend.... and of course for myself since I've slacked off taking care of anything but my insatiable hunger these past weeks.

It's amazing how much water a pregnant woman has to drink!! I wake up in the middle of the night ready to suck the well dry straight from the faucet.

My waterproof camera came today. Surprisingly, since I just ordered it on Sunday. Tomorrow, one last resort for my continued search of the Yashica battery that I can't seem to find anywhere. My plans are to get up super early and head out for a quick photo shooting. But it's supposed to be heavy rains and wind tomorrow (yay), so we'll see how that plays out. I plan on jumping the gun and taking a anti-vomit pill early. That way I know I'll be puke free for tomorrow.

I'm so exhausted right now, and stupid me actually thought I could come home after a long work day and want to clean the house.
