Thursday, October 14, 2010

Agenda for tomorrow.

So much to do in the next two days. I should be cleaning the house up (yes, at 8:30 at night), but I'm too exhausted from this long day. I should be editing more pics so I can have them ready for tomorrow (as I promised), but I don't have the brain power right now to accomplish that.
My plan is to get up super early tomorrow, take the recyles, clean the house up, do some food shopping for the weekend, get some laundry going (and fold what's been in the basket for the past week), and then crank out some more pics that way I can have them posted by tomorrow evening. 800 + photos takes some time to sort through. Especially with me because I like variety and I like to offer as much as I can when I shoot.
Then somewhere in there, I'll make room for breakfast. Or at least a cup of coffee. And maybe if it stops raining I can vacuum out the truck from the hay and corn stalk mess I made on Monday.

All of this sounds good, and hopefully I can use this blog as an outline and motivation for tomorrow.
In fact, I think I'm counting on that.