Saturday, March 19, 2011


Went to a couple spots today with my camera- I don't know why, but I just wasn't feeling too energetic when it came to pressing the shutter button. It was cold, windy. I didn't dress nearly warm enough and my fingers were frozen. Today has been such a wash. I fell asleep on the couch last night to On The Waterfront playing on TCM sometime after midnight, only to wake up a little after 4am to find that Ghoulies was on- and then passed out again until around 6 when I finally crawled into my cold bed.

I finally went to this park down in West Milford. Decent park, though there's no swimming nor boat launching allowed- which leaves only either walking around aimlessly or swinging on the swing set.
I walked aimlessly.

Wanted to bring this huge mess of driftwood home with me. I could chop it up and make some pretty useful things out of it!