Monday, July 12, 2010

T'was the day!

Had my get-together with the Senior Editor of Multimedia with the local paper today.

I'm a Stringer! Not quite sure when my first assignment will be, but I'll give it a shot! So I suppose i'm not quite a Stringer until I get my first one.

I'd go through all the details on the interview, but it was a long day as it was, and i'm tired.
Basically he told me, in a nice way, that my photos are good, I have a good eye, but my pics are a bit too much on the artsy side for editorial, but he's giving me a shot to see how I do. They have a newspaper and a magazine. I really wanted to shoot magazine, but that's the higher end of the two, and you really have to prove yourself and put your time in before you're even considered for the mag.
I met with him, and his "roommate" Jim, (he shares an office), and they both gave me some really good advice. Both are super nice guys! It was an honor just to be able to sit with these two men, who probably have about 50+ years photog experience between the two of them, and have them share with me some valuable tips. Everything from composition to equipment and lens, to what types of conversations to have with your clients as you're fiddling getting your gear ready to go.
It was heaven.

But, that's all I got for now. The hubby is done mowing the grass and i'm hungry so off I go for quality time...