Sunday, June 19, 2011


I'd like to know what this world has come to? Why do people think it's ok to act as they are when it clearly and utterly disrespects another? There are some rules out there that we can not change, that we must abide by. I work in an industry where certain things are critical for the sake of my company. If I do not abide by certain rules, it can cause problems for my company, and for myself. A very small- yet simple example, If I ask for your damn drivers license,  it's for a damn good reason. There are rules out there that even I can't change- and yes, sometimes I want to change them just for the sake of getting your disrespectful, rude ass out of my face. I don't like to be disrespected, or "bullied" into doing something that goes against policy or rules- or that could come back to haunt me and get me fired. Why, oh dear lord, can't people accept that SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO DO WHAT SOMEONE ASKS OF YOU?!?!? Is it really that hard??? Do you really have to talk back to someone just because your pathetic ass doesn't want to walk all the way back to your car to get something? Wait... I don't mean *all the way* back to your car, because chances are, your lazy ass parked so close to the building in fear of having to take a couple extra steps in your day.
Maybe if you had a bit more patience and respect, then you'd get that in return from others you interact with.