Friday, October 28, 2011


Dear our Mother Earth.
It is you that nourishes us. It is your earth and soil that grows our grains, fruits and vegetables to feed us. How grateful we are to be able to depend on your kindness, for all that you've offered and sacrificed to us. Without you, what would we be? You've allowed mankind to rip, dig, plow and rape your precious soils. And what do you give back to us? You then allow us to sow our seeds to benefit ourselves.
We try to give back to you, our dearest earth. But as always, we think of ourselves first.
We put up our buildings on your territories, and then when we find our constructions no longer useful, we abandon them and let you do with it what you will. Our trash is left for you to deal with. 

I am sorry, My Mother Earth. I am sorry for we've done to you. The damages we've done for hundreds of years. I hang my head in shame- for myself- as conscious as I have tried to be in my efforts to leave behind lesser damages. I do try. I know many who do.

Dearest our friendly wild companions.
What do I say to you? We have taken your homes from you, disregarding your needs and essentials to survive. Why do we care? We are humans who are greedy and only think of self gratification. Our needs come first because that is the type of animals we have evolved into. We collect pets for our own pleasures of companionship- and when we are finished with the responsibilities of nurturing a living creature- when it becomes inconvenient to us- we rid of them. They are thrown out like the garbage we toss onto our precious Earth. Why do we need explanations for the barbaric behaviors we display? We are humans who think of ourselves, only. We answer to no one.

I am sorry, my dearest companions- wild and domesticated. I think of you first before my own kind because I know what type of monsters we are capable of being. My heart goes out to you- your innocence and simple minded beings. To all the creatures in the oceans who are also affected by our unwanted garbage. You are the example we need to follow- you use Earths resources for your survival, as we do- but unlike us humans, you leave nothing behind to litter up her beautiful and forgiving lands.

We are not worthy to grace your presence. I am truely sorry for what we have done to you.