Sunday, October 24, 2010


Editing is done, everyone is happy. Everyone but me, seems my camera wants to act up lately. I think I'll be taking a trip to PA sometime soon to have it checked out.

Moving on to homework... Reading up on some materials, printed out my reading assignments/field assignments for the next few chapters, maybe get some of that in tomorrow. I would really like to go down to Wawayanda and spend some time by the lake, preferably in the early morning when the fog is heavy down in the valley. Maybe drop off that roll of film I've had for the past 2 months.

Though this is a short week, it's going to be another long one. It's nice having company to keep me occupied. Trying to get some things together for Steve's graduation next month. So exciting!
Oh, and home made pumpkin pie was outstanding!

Dinner with some very awesome girls on Tuesday. It's been too long and I can't wait for us to get together.