Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 18th, 2009

Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.
Mayflower II (taken from the other side)

Steve went out on tour with the Misfits for a couple weeks. I had to stay home for the majority of the tour because of my work schedule, though I was able to go out on the road with them the first weekend. Over the course of 3 days, this is really the only day that sticks out in my mind. The night before, we drove up until around 2am. The vehicle we drove in was a box truck that held all the stage equipment for the shows. Stopping at a truck stop, eating crappy truck stop food, washing up in dirty truck stop bathroom. Slept, or if you even want to call it that, in the front seat, the two of us crammed up from lack of room. The snow fell thick and heavy on the fogged up windows. If I remember right, it was the first snowfall of the year. What a frigid night. Plenty of blankets and pillows to keep up insulated- though we ended up turning the engine on a few hours later to get some heat accumulating inside. I remember opening my eyes to the early morning light. Outside was wet. The snow didn't stick around, but left slush and dampness. Breakfast. More crappy truck stop food. Brushing my teeth in dirty truck stop sink. Picked up a crappy truck stop coffee that I ended up just taking a few sips out of, and then dumping it outside.

On the road again. Tired. The rest of the crew met up with us during the night and they're following us to Plymouth Rock. A few hours later, we arrived. Windy and unbearably cold. We park the box truck by the loading dock. Steve gets out, but I wait in the warm truck. I wait until he comes to get me and we go inside to check out the building. Loud, some other band is doing sound check. We find the dressing room. Decent food, lots of beverages to chose from. And there's the couches, the oh-so-comfortable couches. I lay down. The music gets louder- someone opened the doors. I'm out.

I wake up when the noise stops. We find out we're really close to the Mayflower and the Plymouth Rock. We ask if anyone else wants to join us in exploring, and only one other person is interested. We make our way down to the waterfront and quickly found the monumental artifacts of American history.